Gooseberry tart with frangipane (almond) filling is a delicious way to enjoy gooseberries when they are in season.

Picking the gooseberries for the gooseberry jam I made recently was rather torturous.
I was back at the farm this week though picking more with a gooseberry frangipane tart in mind for Perfecting Patisserie blog challenge.
My hands got even more ripped to shreds this time, and I am still removing splinters now. Note to self: wear gloves to pick gooseberries.
I had two tries at making this tart, for the first I had run out of plain flour and used buckwheat flour I found in the cupboard in its place.
I found the pastry far too bitter unfortunately and didn’t like the taste at all.
On Instagram I was given a tip to mix buckwheat flour with rice and sorghum flour to make it less bitter, and I will definitely I will try that out another time.
I also didn’t have enough butter for the frangipane, so used coconut oil instead.
Luckily that part – substituting coconut oil for butter – worked out well, and the gooseberry frangipane was delicious, and even better I had enough gooseberries to try again.
Fast forward to my second try. Plain flour at the ready, I made a sweetened shortcrust pastry, and flavoured the frangipane with a little rose water.
Once again I used coconut oil rather than butter for the frangipane.
Sadly I haven’t mastered tidy pastry edges yet but my rustic gooseberry frangipane tart tastes delicious.
Luckily, the aim of Perfecting Patisserie is to get out of your comfort zone, try out something new and challenging you haven’t made before, and perfect new methods.
So I think this gooseberry tart ticks all the boxes for me on that score.
I am sending this gooseberry frangipane tart, or to give it a French title the very posh tarte aux groseilles à maquereaux, to Perfecting Patisserie.
Gooseberry Frangipane Tart
For the sweetened shortcrust pastry
- 250 g plain flour (all-purpose flour)
- 160 g unsalted butter
- 1 egg
- 40 g caster sugar (superfine sugar)
- Pinch of salt
- 1 tbsp cold milk
For the frangipane
- 100 g coconut oil
- 100 g caster sugar (superfine sugar)
- 100 g ground almonds
- 2 eggs
- 10 g plain flour (all-purpose flour)
- 1 tsp almond extract
- 1-2 tsp rose water
- 200 g gooseberries
To glaze
- A few tablespoons of gooseberry jam I used my homemade jam
- A little water
- Place the flour in a bowl, make a well in the centre and add the butter, chopped into small pieces, egg, sugar and salt.250 g plain flour (all-purpose flour), 160 g unsalted butter, 1 egg, 40 g caster sugar (superfine sugar), Pinch of salt
- Rub the ingredients together.
- When almost combined, add the milk, and knead the dough together into a ball.1 tbsp cold milk
- Cover the dough with clingfilm and place it in the fridge for at least an hour.
- When ready, roll out the dough and use it to line a fluted tart tin.
- Line the base of the pastry case with baking paper and fill with baking beans (or dried pasta), and bake for ten minutes at 180℃/ 350 ℉.
- After the ten minutes, remove the baking paper and beans and bake for a further ten minutes.
- Remove the case from the oven and put to one side.
- Cream the coconut oil with the sugar, and then beat in the eggs one by one.100 g coconut oil, 100 g caster sugar (superfine sugar), 2 eggs
- Stir in the ground almonds, flour, almond extract and rose water.100 g ground almonds, 10 g plain flour (all-purpose flour), 1 tsp almond extract, 1-2 tsp rose water
- Spoon the frangipane mixture into the pastry case.
- Wash, top and tail the gooseberries and place them on top of the frangipane, pushing them in slightly.200 g gooseberries
- Bake for approximately 25-30 minutes until the pastry is golden and the frangipane is set and light golden.
- Remove from the oven.
- Melt the jam and water together in a pan or in the microwave.A few tablespoons of gooseberry jam, A little water
- While the tart is still warm, brush over the jam mixture to glaze the tart.
Stacey Guilliatt (Nobody Said It Was Easy) says
Ooh I love the idea of using gooseberries, and even more so of using coconut oil for the frangipane – brilliant bake!
My Family Ties says
What a brilliant idea, I just love gooseberries and this sounds delicious – I must try it! 🙂 #GBBOBloggers2015
jennypaulin says
oh i think i remember seeing an image of this on instagram back in the summer. i only tried gooseberries for the first time this year when a friend gave me some to bake with (I still haven’t posted that recipe yet!) and they were pinky purple i colour, not green as i thought they were! They tasted better than I thought.
anyway, waffle waffle lol thank you for linking up x
Angela / Only Crumbs Remain says
We often had gooseberries at home when I was a child, and although I love them I’ve not had any for a very long time. Your recipe has just reminded me how much I enjoy them! This looks so yummy and I bet with a slight, enjoyable, tartness from the fruit.
Angela x
Sneaky Veg says
I love gooseberries, although no one else in my family is very keen. I wish their season was a bit longer – seems to be over in weeks these days. Lovely recipe! #gbbobloggers2015
Carrie Landeryou says
My Grandad used to grow gooseberries so this takes me right back to my Granny’s desserts..bookmarked ready for when I find my own supply of gooseberries!
Toni says
This looks gorgeous and I have some red gooseberries just ripe in the garden. Could I substitute butter for coconut oil and would you recommend exactly the same quantity? I’m not very keen on coconut!
bakingqueen74 says
Yes if you follow a standard frangipane recipe using butter the quantities are the same. You can’t taste the coconut oil!
Red gooseberries sound lovely, enjoy!
Made With Pink says
What a gorgeous tart. I love frangipan. Would you believe I’ve never tried a gooseberry!?
bakingqueen74 says
I don’t believe it! Must remedy that ASAP
choclette says
It sounds totally scrumptious, especially with the rose ( I suppose I would say that). Love frangipani tarts. I rarely manage tidy pastry edges, it’s definitely an art. Would love to join in with this challenge as I need to improve my skills in this department for sure – it’s always a question of trying to find the time!
I often use buckwheat flour, but I generally use it as a mix with wholemeal or plain flour.
bakingqueen74 says
Thanks, the rose did make it extra tasty. With you on the time and the art of tidy pastry, maybe it comes eventually!
fabfood4all says
Do you know I have never made frangipane which is crazy as I love marzipan! I love the look of your tart with it’s rustic edges and I know it would have been delicious – glad you persevered:-)
bakingqueen74 says
Thank you Camilla, I am glad I kept trying too 🙂
recipesfromapantry says
My eldest and I both love gooseberries so this might be a good treat for us.
bakingqueen74 says
Definitely, save it all for you two
familyfriendsfoodblog says
Ooh, I must look out for gooseberries! They are so delicious and the season is so short. This tart looks fabulous. Yum 🙂
bakingqueen74 says
They are quite tricky to find now I think, that was why I was so pleased to see them at our local farm. May try growing my own for next year!
Diana says
Omg Gooseberries remind me of our country house in Moscow! And of my childhood haha we used to pick them from the garden when I was little, but there is no way to find gooseberries anywhere in Jordan, they don’t grow here and they’re not imported to Jordan either (no idea why) Sounds like a very delicious recipe, I miss the fresh sweet/sour taste YUM!
bakingqueen74 says
Glad to hear it brings back nice memories. Lovely to hear they grow in Russia too!
Lili says
Your tart looks delicious and it’s great you can use coconut oil in the frangipane. Very yummy – and I’m curious about gooseberries now, which I’ve never baked with. Lovely recipe! 🙂
bakingqueen74 says
Thank you Lili, I was so pleased it worked out in the end. Must work on improving my pastry cases next!
Lili says
Don’t worry Lucy, I find my pastry cases are similar and get called ‘rustic’ … which apparently is fine as a style of patisserie! 🙂
bakingqueen74 says
Excellent news for me! 🙂
Penelope says
I love frangipane and have some not quite ripe goosberries in the garden. And better still your recipe looks like it’ll work dairy free. I’m excited already
bakingqueen74 says
Ooh yes, if you can make the pastry dairy free you are good to go!
Elizabeth says
Sounds gorgeous! I’ve never tried making a frangipane tart before. I really ought to remedy this!
bakingqueen74 says
Definitely, I love the almond filling the best!
efwalt says
Great entry! I love a frangipane tart but have never tried one with either gooseberries or coconut oil! I really must remind myself to enter blog challenges – it’s good to be pushed out of your comfort zone 🙂
bakingqueen74 says
Oh you should, great way to meet new people and increase comments as well. 🙂
efwalt says
Very true! My blogging schedule is less a schedule and more chaotic. In hosting one in October so need to get more engages!